Could this be the end of the drought?
We had our carpet cleaned yesterday, and the result was, I cleared out the pig's nest which is/was my sewing/computer room.
The sight of the clean spaces inspired me to make this promised apron, for the son of wonderful friends. He is such a bright young lad, full of interest in everything, and cooking is one of his interests.
I had promised to make an apron, so today turned out the be the day! I am very pleased with the result- what do you think?
I used a nice heavy Drill, a blue stripe, which should be protective of clothing. He has made some lovely slices for his parents' recent Birthdays. He is very interested in all types of cooking, & happy to experiment. We currently have a lot of Television shows with male and female cooks, and I think it is a great idea to stimulate children to be interested in nutrition, and cooking in general.
I really did enjoy making this, and will make another with some fabric his mother provided. As a prototype, I was quite pleased with this one.
I am hoping that I can get back into some sewing to help me feel productive. I hate that I have been feeling so lacklustre, and lazy. It is not so much a 'lazy' feeling, as a lack of motivation. I see lots of ideas for creativity, but find the small practical voice in my head saying. "Yes, but what use will it be?" While I realise Quilts never go astray, and are always welcome, I have lost the excitement I once held for the craft.
However I still love the thought of sewing, so hopefully I will get moving shortly! Over the years I have had 'off' patches with knitting, sewing, crochet, embroidery. The good hope is, I usually eventually return to them, so here is the hope I have broken the drought.
My Beloved Brother's Grandson, has recently turned 2!
Here he is with is cake, at his Grandparents' house. I love the starfish hands!!
Here he is, with his lovely Dad opening one of his gifts. His lovely mother's birthday is one week after his, his Dad's is one week after that! March is a busy month!
Here, I think he is contemplating the properties of a daisy.
And here, he just a gorgeous kid, admired by his doting Great Aunt!

When they are small the time passes all too quickly, and the next thing you know is, they are some slightly surly, susppicious, teenager, who seems a stranger.
Gom & I consider ourselves lucky in this game of life. Our children remained quite human, and approachable, and we have all evolved into lovely, loving, adult relationships, without them becoming alienated or distant. We remain good friends, and are pleased they are loving adults, with respect for their, and other people's lives.
We are currently having the Early Autumn heat, with humidity, which is the usual 'extra' we get at the end of Summer. The days seem to have shortened dramatically early this year, however, and I am feeling a definite with to come off Daylight Saving, as I long to linger longer in my bed, in the mornings.
I do love trees, and one of my favourite sights are the trunks of various trees I encounter. They are generally so filled with character. I have resolved to take a pic of one or more, every now & then.
This is Mr Tree, from Kiama Park. It is a Moreton Bay Fig- I think!
Blogger is giving me the irrits! I keep trying to align my type to the left, but it keeps telling me I can't, although occasionally it does work. WTH??
I hope this is the left alignment. I love this Mark Knopfler Local Hero piece of music. It can reduce me to tears, on occasion. I hope you enjoy it too.