Wednesday, April 18

How am I ??

How can I express the way I feel.
There are no words.
We are still hanging in limbo.
It seems there is no conclusive diagnosis.
Some things have been ruled out...which is great.

On the other hand- or foot, if you like- there is no real answer to the problem.
As a Mother, who firmly believes, and always has, that this is NOT a cancer, I keep the faith, and hope for the magic bullet that will shrink this terrible tumour, and save my son's foot, and therefore leg, from needless amputation.

As many of my friends know, I am an atheist. I do not have a god I worship or believe in. My friends who do, have prayed and cared for us, and I thank them for their beliefs and wishes.

Events in my life have decided my beliefs, but I never deny or disregard, or disrespect,  other's beliefs. We are all entitled to our own paths, and beliefs.
I do thank you all, for your caring thoughts, and I do beileve they can have an effect.

Michael Bolton, How am I Supposed to live without you.


ancient one said...

I do believe and I'm praying for both of you! My husband got a good report from his test today. XX00

Finn said...

From all the many powers of the Universe in affecting the outcome of things, I petition and pray for the best possible outcome. I do believe that as much agony is suffered in that place of "limbo", the not knowing, as from the ailment. Love the daffodil pic Meg, big hugs, Finn

Jenny Woolf said...

This is so difficult for you. I am very sorry. I hope that the doctors can come up with something more conclusive soon, so they can begin a treatment plan to make your son better.

VioletSky said...

I am sorry for all the struggles you and your son are going through.
I don't pray, nor do I send hugs and kisses through the internet, but I do think of you often and feel a connection, even though we have and likely will not ever meet.

Tanya said...

I am just reading your latest posts. I am so sorry that you have more to grapple with. I am thinking of you too.

Pauline said...

Thinking of you Meggie and hoping that the news, when it does finally come, is good. Nothing is worse than waiting and worrying.

The Sagittarian said...

Oh blimey, I do hope SOMETHING is sorted for you both. All the best from across the ditch!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I am sending positive thoughts your way and holding you close in my heart through these difficult days~