..the destination is final.
..Birthdays are the milestones along the way.

..the milestones pass too quickly, sometimes..
...destinations are reached.
...I want you to be safe, and well, BB.
.. sometimes, I get homesick for the land of my birth.
..the ones who have gone, the ones who still remain.
..Honey is getting older.
..I love her more than necessary..
Cat Stevens, Bitter Blue
Hi Meggie - I love that song! You wouldn't miss Chch over the past weekend, it's been all rain and damp!! Sun is out today tho'. A bit of a reflective tone to your post today, hope you're ok!
Sending a hug, just because ...
Jeanne :)
Do I detect a touch of melancholy? Hope all is well in your world.
So true.
Never leave a kind act undone.
There is no level of love that you must maintain, of any person or pet. I love my pets way more than "necessary" because they make me so happy!
cheers and hugs
I detect a slightly "blue" tone here - do hope that the sun will shine on you today but also remember that we wouldn't appreciate life's ups if we never had any downs.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog - I appreciate your kindness.
Hi Meg, Wishing you a great day. Thanks I enjoyed popping in for a quick look at Marigold Jam; I will go back for a longer visit soon.
"Sometimes our fears are never realized." How true and how comforting. Loved your little photo journey and the memories stirred by Cat Stevens voice.
A beautiful photo essay.
I like "never leave a kind act undone" and I will try to remember it.
An introspective post perhaps. It's good to get our thoughts on paper.
Honey looks so sweet, I don't think you could love her more then necessary.
There are certain dates that just take you back... to the good and the bad.
You capture it all here. And tempis fugit, especially at my age. Sigh.
Hi Meggie,
Thanks for all the email you've sent recently - it always brightens my day.
Lovely photos and contemplative thoughts...
Hope all is well with Honey GOM and the rest of your treasured family.
Warmest regards,
Hi Meggie,
Very nice pictorial reflection. As time passes and we look back it does have a touch of sadness but there is so much to look forward to and to enjoy in the moment. Honey and BB are precious.
Thanks for sharing.
Good Post Meggie.. So true...
I'm always impressed at how I can see the resemblence between you, your brother, and your mother.
Well said, as always. Go out and seize that day. Give your Honey some love for me, too. I'm watching a pet of my own grow older, not knowing when that final trip to the vet will be, but cursing its inevitability and the fact that it will sideswipe me when it comes.
Beautiful Meggie! Love those two last lines!
Great post Meggie. Thinks that we all think about, but maybe don't have the right words to express.
Lots of dusty footprints on that journey through our time here. Big loving hugs from one also loves her "furries" way more than necessary,Finn
Loved this post, thank you!
I often miss my Mum and my sister...I seldom miss my Dad....Sometimes I miss me younger and full of energy, never do I miss the worries.
I understand loving more than necessary. Great song!
Oh yes, indeed.
I have that CD too, and play it often. Cat was my first introduction to 'grown up' music as a young teen.
I love Cat Stevens. I am not sure where my LPs are anymore. Gasp! Does anyone remember LPs, or am I showing my age too much?
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