He rang me, bubbling, & delighted, at his first day at School! He had a wonderful day, really likes his teacher, & has a new friend- a girl! His exact words were "I had a New Friend Made!" Wow!
It turns out, she is a girl, who was one of his friends at Pre School. It is nice to think he still likes her at 'Big School'.
We could not attend his first day drop-off, nor the collection. No car.
My Daughter J said she & his Sister collected him.
Because his sister is 18, he regards her as a second mother. She regards him almost as her son, she loves him so much. With many hugs & kisses, they greeted him.
DJ said the parents with Video cameras are quite offensive really, to other parents. One little girl was tracked for meters, photos & film footage of her back collected ad nauseum. DJ could not help but wonder why?? Just how many shots of your daughter's back, walking away, do you need?
I have previously posted about the car fiasco of DJ's & SIL. We lent our car to DJ to prevent her losing her job.
I am about to name names as to the wreckers who supplied parts for this rotten car, with written guarantees, which have proved to be worthless- of course!!. If you live on the Central Coast, NSW, & want the name of this germ, I am willing to give all details!! Please email me!!
Now, we have had to lend our lawnmower, since theirs has a broken handle. It was a gift from the FIL, to his son. SIL took it to the repair @$$hole who told them it is a 'cheap thing, not worth repairing' - that is a rude fecking insult. Don't look gift horses in the mouth. What a rude swine. One hopes his
The fact that SIL left it out in the rain probably doesn't endear him to our hearts, but on the other hand, the repair man doesn't have judging rights on the price, or quality, of an article.
Our DJ said to me, when the $hitheap of a car clapped out, that she wondered what else could follow. These things come in "Threes" were her words.
I told her not to say such things, & not to tempt Murphy, or whoever.
Well, now there is the mower. What the hell is next on the list for Losers??
Or the CCTPPO??*
To Someone I Love.
I gave birth to you-
I can no longer hold the candle
At the door of your defence.
I cannot wear the mask
In the face or your pretence.
Or try to shed a light
On the path of your destruction.
Or your reasons, & excuses,
Your tides, your deduction.
I know you made the choices
for the drugs & your destruction
And your denial refuses,
To admit your wasted talent.
Your gifts untold, recluses.
Your art will remain unkown.
Your poetry - unsown.
A wasted talent
O my son,
A seed perhaps ungrown?
I suspect the Black Dog is upon me.
I just think to acknowledge the prescence.
Bob Dylan, Not Dark Yet.