I seem to have been doing very little quilting myself of late, & even my stitching has slowed.
I wanted to add the logo with Links though, so others could check out the wonderful world of Quilters. If you click on the Logo on the sidebar, you can find all the quilters your heart could desire. I have not been so presumptuous as to add myself, since I don't often have much quilting content.

We have had a week of rain, which was dreary & grey, though of course, good for the garden & countryside in general.
Today is a better day, fluffy clouds, & some blue & sunny patches.
Back to Doctor for Blood pressure monitoring. Improved, with further medication, & I suspect I feel better for it. I have also been prescribed a new ointment, which has tamed the itch to a dull roar. At least it has also reduced the ugliness of some of the lesions- caused by my incessant scratching- too, so I dont feel I look quite so 'spotted'.
My daughter has a client who is days away from her 100th Birthday. She was born in Scotland, & is an amazing lady. She still has all her marbles, & also, amazingly, her own teeth!
I have blogged in the past about dentists, & matters dental. I am a devout coward over my teeth. I finally had to give into the truth of time, & had my top teeth removed. I had spent thousands of $$$$$s on them over the years. I am sure when I went to visit the dentist's I could almost hear them rubbing their hands in glee! Especially once they realised I was a New Zealander.
Kiwi's seem to have notoriously bad teeth. A New Zealand born, & trained, Chinese Dentist I consulted once, told me he was given a job in London immediately, on the strength of his nationality, as they knew he would have had plenty of experience!!
My mother lost all her teeth when she was about 15, she told us they were chalky, & she could scrape them away! She also had a lot of broken bones, which would seem to indicate she was seriously lacking in something. They had a house cow, & she loved the fresh milk. Her mother was a good cook, who was very conscious of providing a good balanced diet. There was, of course, no such thing as 'junk food', nor was there money for sweets!
I have never believed in the theory that milk is good for teeth, or bones. I loathe milk myself, which probably has something to do with my 'whacko' beliefs. But I have often pondered the peoples of the world who have no milk in their diets. They don't seem to have bad teeth, or weak bones. Pacific Island peoples have traditionally never had milk, but they seemed to posses some of the strongest frames.
I am sure I will find people who disagree. It is rather like the elephant theory. How does it go?
If you have something pink, you won't be plagued with elephants.
But, there are no elephants.
See, I told you it works.
Once when I was arguing against Hormone Replacement Therapy, a Doctor told me it prevents Osteoporosis.
When I told her I had already been daignosed as having Osteoporosis, she then told me it would probably be much worse, if I stopped HRT.
What? Fewer Elephants?
This is the Queen's Birthday Long weekend. Monday is a holiday, for many. It means an influx of 'tourists'. Judging by the sound of some of the traffic, the hoons are alive & well.
I wonder if they will still be so well, come Tuesday.
In spite of their youthful hoonery, I hope they stay safe.
Joan Baez, Daddy You Been On My Mind.
I love reading your blog. I am not sure how I came across it. I related to so many things......GOM (I have been married to my one for 36 years), high blood pressure, dream of sewing but spend too long on the darn computer to achieve anything, adore my children and grandchildren. Thank you it made good reading and it was fun to share in your life.
I was thinking of adding the button too, but didn't because I don't blog about the quilts much. Hmmmm. I may do so anyway, because they are a wonderfully creative bunch! Time......
I hate milk too. And my bones are apparently just fine. I had a bone density check and the results were of a woman in her early 30s, which I clearly am not. And I never took HRT.
Right. It is the weekend. I need to do things. Anything not related to work!
Hi Meggie, Just popped insee whats going on in your world..
Well im not a quilter im a knitter and just finished a couple of throw rugs and also nearly finished a crochet throw. But im still going over to see the quilters.
Hope the Docs can tame that dreadful itch for you very soon...take great care...
Hope you are enjoying your long holiday weekend. I don't quilt but I sure love to collect them! What beautiful stories each one tells.
My granddad had his teeth pulled and then couldn't wear his dentures.. He told us as long as we had two teeth that would grind together to never have our teeth pulled...LOL Mine are turning color but so far they're hanging in...
Very interesting post today! Enjoyed it!!
That Quilting Bloggers site is quite something! Had to leave it...I'd never get around to call on my current blogger friends if I stayed there too long!
Ah Meggie, once a quilter, always a quilter -- doesn't matter if you haven't been quilting away lately. Post your quilting button with pride! And Yay for a little bit of relief with your itching. Hopefully it will continue to improve!
What a lovely way to spend Sunday morning, catching up with Meggie! Honesty and cardigans, frogs and fabrics, a gallant little boy and a man in a white suit who wasn't so gallant!
And I've just glanced across and seen that someone's reading you in Myanmar...
A friend of mine is a dentist and we have regular discussions about how most people no longer trust them (I am one of them). My dentist pushes this deep cleaning crap on me and I don't believe it at all. He says it is necessary to save my teeth. I think he only pushes it because it costs 4X what a regular cleaning does.
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