Saturday, June 28

The Pain...

I heard a story, today, of one young person's life, that made me so sad.
I wished I could heal this young girl's life. I wished I could take her 'to my bosom' & heal her pain. I know I can't. I am too old & cantankerous to deal with such heartache, any more.

She has expressed a wish to be 'adopted' by our family. She loves us all, & we are very fond of her, by the same token. I would welcome her into our family, the safe parameters. The strong ties that stand in defiance, against all comers. Against any criticism. A Family, United!

But, if I were to do that, what might I do? In defence of this lovely girl?

I might resort to going & belting her father, biffing her mother, to realise what a perfect gem their child is. I can't take her into our home, & lie awake at night, worrying if she got home safely.

I have done that in the past. With troubled souls. I do think I did good things for those people. I do think I had a positive effect upon their lives. But now, I am old & tired. I struggle with what I feel I should do, & what I am capable of doing. Without detriment to my own family, my own health.

I think, I believe, that I cannot change the destiny of any other person. I also like to think I can ease their pain, & I can help their passage in this life. If I could, I would house this girl, & love her to health. I know I can't be so arrogant to suppose I could achieve this. I like to suppose our support might help.

So we give what we can.

I read there are upwards of 1,000 people without homes in our area, every night. It is very cold now, & I cannot imagine going to bed in the open. Or under the nearest bridge.The local Soup Kitchen, turns away hundreds of hungry souls every night. I feel mortified to think we have 'enough', & these people have nothing.

Currently there is a petty squabble over some local political 'lights'. Dining in Luxury, at a nightspot. The statement " Do you Know Who I Am?" was uttered. I find it so sickening. I want to grab a homeless person to scream, " Do you know who I an NOT?" in some kind of warped redress.

My heart breaks for these unfortunate people, .. I feel there but for the grace of fate, go I. Most of these folk are not bad people. Nor are they people who wish to wrought the system. They are, by & large, folk who have seemingly 'slipped through the cracks of Society'.

I am ashamed to say, I don't do enough for these people, I don't really know where to begin.

Rolling Stones, I Can't Get No Satisfaction.


Pauline said...

We do what we can, share what we have, and know that even a small kindness heals. You can't, single-handedly, fix the world but it sounds as though you are doing your bit to make it better.

Peggy said...

I have had to talk to William. He has brought home several homeless people over the years. We give them room,board and small salary to help around the farm. If they do drugs, get drunk, steal, mistreat the animals they are gone. William would bring them all home if he could. He is a truckdriver so I am the one left to teach them farm work. Right now we have a homeless guy that has been here almost a year. He has a anger problem that we deal with but other than that works okay. He doesn't remember how to do things and needs reminding but thats not a big problem. My heart goes out to those in need but we can't help them all. William and I both give a little money or buy a meal but there has to be something our countries can do to help the homeless. We send billions to other countries to help. Why can't we help our own. Sorry will get off my soapbox. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I know your young friend knows she can always come talk to you and thats a big help.

Kitty said...

You do something. You think of them, care about them, have written about them. There but for the Grace of God go any of us. It's a shame more people don't remember that. If it weren't for my mum, my kids and I would be on the street now. x

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Every little bit helps. Kitty is right. There but the grace of God go any of us. That serves to remind us to remember them. God bless you and give you wisdom in your decision.

Tanya Brown said...

You will probably never know how much good you've done various wounded birds like the young woman by simply listening to them. Listening, a sympathetic ear and the right questions asked at the right time are sometimes enough to start people on the road to healing themselves. It can be enough to change their destiny. I can remember several good people who helped me that way.

I have similar sentiments to you regarding the hungry and homeless. The problem is overwhelming; where does one even start? Does it make a difference? I think the answer is that yes, no matter how "small" one's efforts are, it makes a difference. It makes a difference to the family who got the excess bounty from one's garden that day or the homeless person who now has a donated sleeping bag.

It's amazing how far food banks and soup kitchens can stretch our donations, even ones we find small. At our local food bank, $21 will purchase 700 pounds of fruits and vegetables. My personal approach, for now, is to make a donation to the food bank each time I want to buy crap. It cuts down on the amount of crap in the house and maybe a few people get fed.

Do what you can, when you can, with what you have. If many of us do that and have kind hearts, the positive effects start adding up.

molly said...

Tanya said it all for me!

Pam said...

Yes, and me. You're kind people, you bloggers.

Meggie, you do know some amazing stories! (reading your last few posts)

Tanya said...

Very interesting post. There are people who have come into my life and I wonder how much I could have done if I hadn't gone beyond the small politeness. I know that their need is so large that the few words exchanged (or change given) is just a drop. I also know that I can get myself so worked up and worried or guilty or whatever that I destoy my own effectivness to the loved ones around me and instead of pulling someone else up, I get pulled down. What to do... How much...

Mike said...

There is an old saying here that says "kindness starts at home."

I really do believe that is true. Give to local shelters, help out at local shelters, and do what you can to help out locally homeless people. If every community made that effort, this might be a little better world.

~Bren~ said...

I use to feel the same as you do Meggie. I have become hard in this area. I have watched a majority of homeless people make the choice to be homeless. They "Like" it. It is their chosen lifestyle. I KNOW there is a portion who are working poor and had fallen on hard times. THOSE people would actually have housing if it were not for the ones, like the womb, sucking the resources dry. My blood boils on this subject. I remember pleading with the womb and vampire to look at the little girl that was theirs. To see how very special she is. To make a choice to put her first. Then I realized, to them she was a paycheck from the government and flesh to sell on the street. I am younger than you are Meggie, though I too feel that "too old for this" feeling. What I am I going to do when C is out past curfew the first time??? The horror!!!
Do what you can for this girl, but listen to your wisdom.

ancient one said...

no one should have two houses until everyone has one...

it bothers me that we (us personally) feed so many animals and people need food...

dogs are treated better than children...they get $10 toys that are torn up in one afternoon.. they have on their cute little jewelry and sweaters and are carried around by the movie stars and others

a child died recently in a place near us... the parents had tied him to a tree for two nights and a day for desobeying...

we help some charities and my husband is a soft touch for some people in the neighborhood...

But it is never enough...

ancient one said...

I also do random acts of kindnesses when I can. They give me the greatest satisfaction. The person receiving this gift never know who it is from so there is no obligation to someone for the help... just me and God know about these...

Leanne said...

Sometimes Meggie you just have to do what is right for you and your family by doing more you end up making things worse.

Mary said...

I do think that you need to put you and yours first at this time but as others have said by providing a warm and sympathetic place for her to come and chat you will be doing so much.

I am going to think a little more about what to do myself - random acts of kindness appeals but even more so does donations to soup kitchens etc -

Teodo said...

what you have been sharing with us, is unfortunately common all over the world.
You should do everything you can, but don't feel guilty if you would like to do more but you can't.
The love we read in what you have written is so deep, therefore be proud of what you do.
Let's hope that people who have the power in our society and could change the situation, will do something.
ciao, ciao

The Sagittarian said...

Yes, you know the term 'homeless" never really meant much here in NZ as you probably recall. However in the last 15 - 20 years there seems much more of it. Drugs play a huge role in this and so many young people's lives (and that of their families)are ruined. As has been said above, you just do what you can with what you've got and be ever thankful for what you do have!

Kellie said...

What a lucky young woman to have your kindness & thoughts! You obviously do as much as you possibly can!

Maggie May said...

It is very sad & there are people living rough here too. I think most of it is drug & alcohol based.We can perhaps do small things to help. Your heart is very much in the right place!

fifi said...

You are a kind souls and I am sure the world has benefited from it many times over.

Floks do what we can. I always think we are all a mere step away from disaster, and have to be grateful for that small distance.

Christine Thresh said...

You have listened to her and given her your attention and compassion. Perhaps your words have put her on a positive path in life. You never know.

Paula said...

You know, just by being kind you show this girl there is another way to be. Your kindness makes a difference.

Unknown said...

Meggie I think sadly that probably none of us do enough - but if everyone did a little bit it would make some sort of difference, donating goods, food and money to homeless shelters I guess is as good a start as any. It's the age old situation of the whole picture being so overwhelming you almost don't know where to start but just a little will help at least one person somewhere