Best Friend J & I would go to dances rather than go on dates. Unbelievable, but true. We had our favourite Dance Halls, & we had our 'regular partners' on the night.
Largely, the same faces could be seen at the different venues. The same 'favourite partners', would ask to dance.
Chubby Checker, Let's Twist Again, Like We Did Last Summer became somewhat of an "In joke" with BFJ & I.
We had another girlfriend who would come along with us, but she met her Fate. She fell in love, & soon, was exclusively dating P. Her dates with us, reduced accordingly.
BFJ "Twisted on" all summer long, & on into the Winter. Nothing like the Twist to warm the body. Various partners came & went, for both of us. We planned our get-away, to the South Island. Applied for jobs, were accepted, & travelled off to meet our fates.
Which happened to be husbands, & children, in the Southern Island. Fate caught up with us...perhaps. My marriage lasted, BFJ's didn't. Twist of Fate. Our friendship lasted though. Over 46 years, & still, too much left to say, when we meet. I love that friend, a sister could not be closer.
The Twists of Fate moved along, we moved a Country. We lived a new life, Gom & I & our children. Our life is in Oz now. We regard it as Home. Though we still miss our friends in Aoteoroa. Always will.
Today, I read a post on Tanya's blog, which seemed strangely, almost prophetic, of a twist of fate here in Oz. A young man, a father at 15 years of age, had been run over by an unlicensed driver, of a vehicle. The young man, who died, had been visiting his girlfriend, who was the mother of his 5 month old son. They argued. He fled, clad only in a towel, & proceeded to lie on a busy Highway. One has to wonder at the twists of fate that conspired to make the meeting of events, that led to his death.
I have been hard at the sewing machine front over the past 2 days. I have played out with ideas. I have had plans, vaguely in mind. I thought to make some quilts suitable for the young. I chose bright, & what I thought were interesting fabrics, for children, to perhaps play "I Spy".
I laid some sewn blocks on my ..cough cough, 'design floor' haha. Leo proceeded to dance the Tango
Hmmn, the kindest comment is Dog's Breakfast! Or Pig's Nest! except, I dont think I have one Pig to display.... just the leftover nest.
Here are some "Options". Nothing set in stone. Nothing committed.

I straightened things up, but still, Dog's Breakfast springs to mind. I can't call it that-- children won't understand!
I realise the lines between my values are too blurred for this to be a rousing success. But children just might enjoy the 'random' to quote my Adult Granddaughter.
I must give credit, though she may cringe, & wish I didn't to Finn, for giving me the 'Kitchen Sink' idea for the quilt. Even if mine has not worked well, Finn's has.
Ah the wonderful Twists of Fate.
Today is my Nephew's 20th Birthday. Happy Birthday D, Love you!
America, You Can Do Magic.
the moment I saw the quilt I thought - what imagination! I know my grandchildren would love something like that. Dog's Breakfast made me chuckle.
As for the twists - I've never met a perfectly straight road... eventually there's a turn, even if it's only a right or left angle. Love coming here to read!
Pauline, thankyou for a lovely comment. I am sure you & I could talk the hind leg off a donkey, as they say!
I am still playing with the pieces of this/these quilts.
I like it a lot. But then, I am all about brights. I would probably put on a border or two to pull it all together and not worry too much about arrangement. Sometimes it's hard to beat random.
That's a great quilt (not a dog's breakfast). Hope you're having a good weekend
That is so NOT a dog's breakfast!
I used to dance too. In fact a friend and I were talking about it just the other day. We would dance on 3 nights a week - all evening long until the pub or club closed. I must have been so fit!
Well, I am not much interested in sewing or quilts as you have probably noticed (can't help it, just doesn't rock my boat) but I have won many twisting competitions in my time. I love to dance the twist!
I just had to blow the picture up to really see what the motifs of each square were -- kids will love it! A little black frame around each square would really set the patterns off!
I love the phrase 'a dog's breakfast', and had forgotten all about it! I vow to use it in conversation today.
Won't be using it to describe your quilt, though - I really like all the colours and patterns, and I'm sure it would appeal to children, too.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend Meggie.
A dog's breakfast is a new saying for me. I love the quilt!
This is the second or third time I've read about values with scrap quilts this week. Did I miss the values memo? I love your quilt Meggie -- I love scrap quilts and I didn't know there were supposed to be some value rules to making them. I thought that was the idea -- just throw the scraps all together however you like!
Hi Meggie.I just enlarge your quilt for a better look , I love it and im sure Kids will love it also...
I love it too. Let the fabric manke the magic. It will work!
I used to be able to do the twist too, way back when. I tried to wiggle a little as I waited for the kettle to boil a moment ago, and I do believe I may dislocate the spine if I tried a real twist! mind you, switch on that old music and who knows.....
Hi Meggie,
I remember doing the twist and throwing my back out a few times doing it!
Love the quilt!
The quilt will be lovely - even with Leo's help.
How can that all happen to a 15 year old? And to that 15 year olds mother!? I spy's are stacks of fun, as this quilt will be! My DH loves a 'dogs breakfast' for dinner! (you know a little of this and a little of that - I was mortified when he first called a meal I made this, then I realised it was a trem of endearment)
How can that all happen to a 15 year old? And to that 15 year olds mother!? I spy's are stacks of fun, as this quilt will be! My DH loves a 'dogs breakfast' for dinner! (you know a little of this and a little of that - I was mortified when he first called a meal I made this, then I realised it was a trem of endearment)
Oh, what a happy quilt! I can just imagine some little chickadee snuggled under it, looking at the bright patches. I'd add a border to hold it all together, and consider it 'just right'!
Jeanne :)
The kids will LOVE the quilt! I do.
The twist! That takes me back. There were lots of wonky knees caused by that. Healthy other wise.
I bet you could still twist again...!
Lovely quilt, I like the bit of randomness about it.
When you don't understand, ask. I don't understand that 'America, You Can Do Magic' at the end of your post. Please and thank you, what's that for? :-)
'Smilnsigh' blog
Lots of interesting posts since I last visited. My marking is finished - lovely to be back in the world of blog!
I like your quilt. Very bright.
I "taught" my mother the twist, way back when. In learning, she cracked a couple of ribs!
I have friends I've known over 50 years. We were in school together. Even though, through twists of fate, we lost contact a time or two, we always manage to find each other, again. Now, in our 60's, we are even closer than we were 50 years ago.
Some of my grandchildren have quilts made by a woman who was my mother's neighbor, many years ago. They are a bright jumble type quilt, my kiddo's love!
Have a wonderful week, Meggie!
I don't think dog's breakfast is the right term... I think a kid's magical discovery quilt is better :)
Finn sez:"it looks wonderful", no way you should refer to it as the 'dog's breakfast' unless you mean it wags your tail *VBS* It's bright and happy and has lovely diagonals...which I love. Granted you COULD have sorted out the bits more, but why??
I think us 'oldsters' have been way too conditioned to looking for order in everything. It's like a bowl of jellybeans to me...lovely!
Thanks for sharing. Big hugs, Finn
I did enjoy catching up on your posts. Except for the dentist.
I think the quilt looks bright and happy and made for children to laugh with!
I was never very good at the twist despite also being of that generation.
Great quilt and so colourful! I am a knitter but Pixie Post does quilts - she's clever too (just like you!)
I'm glad the tooth has been repaired without TOO much trauma. And I don't think the quilt is a dog's breakfast at all, it looks great.
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