We have not felt particularly cold, but is it just depressing, & coldly miserable. The colour of the day, makes the colour of the mood!
But, doesn't this look cosy? Gom, sitting on the sofa, surrounded by hardly identified dogs. They are cosied about either side of his relaxed body. He is unaware I am taking his photograph. The dogs are indistinct, unreconisable in the photo.
My stitchery is upon the shelf. His beloved Japanese artefacts are about him. He is relaxed... he is "at home."

A completely differnt perspecitve to mine.
I still see the man I married.
I still love him.
Warts & all....
Bob Dylan, Not Dark Yet
It's sunny *inside* your home. That's nice :)
Many years together, but still genuinely loving each other. Now THAT is true romance.
Isn't it weird how men mind much more about baldness than we women do? It's fabulous that you are still smitten after all this time. x
Ah, cozy at home.
I have those moments, too, when I "see" what's around me and know what it's worth.
Hugs ~ Jeanne
My favorite days are the cozy ones at home. Nothing beats contentment.
If ever I feel fed up at home, cabin-fevered, I think of trying days like today when we have to drive one-and-a-half-hours there, same back, then all over again later. It's just So Nice to be Home. OK we need contrast but cosy home is great.
My Nigel is getting decidedly thin on top - when I met him he had a good head of curly hair and I couldn't begin to imagine him going bald - hoped he wouldn't - couldn't work out how I would find him attractive if he did - of course as time goes on you see the deeper person and the balding ageing man is purely a shell - as is the plump jowly woman he sees instead of the bright sparkly redhead he married. Thank goodness love has blinded us both :o) Long may that continue!
*happy sigh*
That looks like such a nice day!
Awww, Meggie ... now I need a tissue!
Awww. Now if it was not for the rainy, gloomy day, you would not have had that view, which is a very nice one at that!
OK. Now THIS might be my favourite post. I just love that photo of GOM.
You two give me hope!
Very cosy indeed, and I bet those dogs didn't move all day!!
It's great just being at home with the things you know and love around you.
Cheers, Meggie.
Sure looks cozy in there especially since you said it was a rainy day. Good to have your man inside with you on a day such as this. ;)
Hi Meg-
Its a great photo- one to celebrate many years of enjoying a loving relationship- what more can one wish for- someone who loves you for you - You love him back in the same way _ something to celebrate and treasure..
May you have many more years of enjoying times together on rainy and sunny days..
so sweet!
Warm inside despite the storm.
I'd like to sit there on a grey day too, with a blanket on my legs and some stitching in my hands - beautiful.
Hi Meggie, dropping in to leave a big hug and say hello. Love to read the process of your mind...glad for the reflections of another thinker *VBS* Big hugs, Finn
Oh how lovely Megggie. You are luckie and the photo looks indeed very cosy
Funny how that works. I still see my wife as the 23 year old woman I married.
How beautiful is this? I must also say that how lucky is Mike's wife???
And you know, the longer I'm married the more I love by husband not dispite his wart but because of them...
Very sweet Meggie.
WARTS not wart.
A great post Meggie, tell him not to worry about his bald head but to enjoy this lovely post
Its a very cozy photo!
Lovely. (On all levels)
As much as we like to travel, we also love cozy days at home. This looks like a comfy spot to cuddle with the dogs.
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