Are we becoming boring/
Same old same old?
What do people want in a blog?
A nice balance between the two?
I just wanted to try to show some of my JOY.
Below, Sibling Joy. They are best friends today.

A special Grandson. The only one, thus far.
Here is there a more joyous picture. A small boy, with the magic of bubbles!
My gorgeous Great Nephew.

Gorgeous Great Nephew with my Beloved Brother, his Grandfather. Such a joyous photo!
Here. a loved niece's wedding. How beautiful & happy she looks. Truly Joyous!
The joy of this sky was wondrous. It remains one of my favourite photos from my balcony.

The JOY of our first Grandchild. A precious little girl, who is soon to turn 20!

Here is our Leo, such a joy to us. He is now banned from our bedroom which is where this photo was taken. He had recently had a severe hair clip in this photo.
Here is our dear little Honey, who has been a Joy in our house for 9 years now. She is such a gentle little girl. She is the love of my life!

The JOY of our first Grandchild. A precious little girl, who is soon to turn 20!
The joy of our neighbour's gorgeous little dog, Sweet Beau.
He is such a loving little dog. He often wraps his dinner up, in a neat parcel. His 'parents' present his dinner on a plate, laid on a cloth. If Beau does not want to eat it immediately, he carefully wraps the dinner in the cloth. We have seen him doing this, & he is so neat & tidy! He takes the corners & folds them over his dinner until the whole is a neat parcel.
Later, when he wishes to eat, he will get his 'father' or 'mother' to unwrap his dinner!

Here is our Leo, such a joy to us. He is now banned from our bedroom which is where this photo was taken. He had recently had a severe hair clip in this photo.

The Joy of friendship. Meggie & BFJ, many years ago!
Look at those rosy Apple cheeks!!
This is the Joy of a 90 year old Uncle, with two of his favourite nephews!
What devils they are, when they get together!
This is my Joy, of the purest delight. I love this perfume!! I rarely wear it now, but it brings back such joyous memories.
Here, a long since passed away cousin, whose name was Joy. How we loved her in our family. She has her daughter with her, & a doll I made long ago, for her. A long legged clown, which she seemed to love.
Here a 'Joy Division' T shirt, which our son wore when he was young. We liked their music too, & it often played loud in our house when he was a teenager.
Radiohead, (Thom Yorke), True Love Waits.