The roof leaked some more- well it is covered by Insurance, & will be dealt with in due course. Our policy covers the damage done in the storms, & compared to a lot of people ours is a minor. Some poor souls have had floods into their houses, & been looted into the bargain, so we have been 'fortunate'.
Friends of ours with the flooded carpets said the house is somewhat rank, in spite of the carpet having been all removed. So we do consider ourselves lucky.
Now our drainage has decided to cause us further problems, & we are not sure it it is directly related to just the neighbour privet, or the heavy rains have added to the problem.
One of my ankles has decided about now is a good time to have an arthritis flare, so hobbling downstairs to the toilet is not really a joy!
And, yesterday, my tooth decided it would be painfree for most of the day. So in the best delaying tradition, I neglected to call the dentist. Yes, I know wrists need to be slapped.
But! I was too busy looking up! I havent got time to worry about the minor irks. I am on fire with another project.
As my daughter pointed out to me, I have not made the SIL a quilt of his own. She is sick of him taking hers to snuggle into, or using Small Grandson's.
SIL is a Roosters fan. For those of you outside Oz, the Roosters are a Sydney NSW, Rugby League Team, officially known as Eastern Suburbs (I think! Not being remotely interested, I dont watch or listen, & it all washes over me).
So while going through stash looking for something else, I discovered this rooster fabric I had forgotten I had. So out it came & off I went on the quilt trail. GOM doesnt yet know who the quilt is for, so he happily went off to do the shopping yesterday- groceries, which I hate. And I got to sew on.
Then DJ came over, with Adult Granddaughter, & Small Grandson, so I had to hastily hide all the evidence of what the quilt was about. And another friend dropped by, so I had a break from the sewing for tea/coffee break.
Here is the production result of Monday. It is surprising how different things look when you photograph them.
The tooth is twingeing this morning, so I must make an appointment to have it dealt with. It is amazing how we can convince ourselves things are ok, when we are scared of the alternative, isnt it!!
This quilt is a happy one, he'll be crowing with delight to receive it for sure! You do great work and have a great eye for color, Meggie. I do hope you feel better after having your dental problems attended to, that's no fun.
What a neat quilt!
I love the music, too - how very you!
Youre kidding me right? You did this in a DAY?
Very beautiful indeed. Love the little squares...pretty!
Gosh you are clever!
(As I read I was thinking how awful if you did some kind of "footy" quilt..)
I had to laugh...I HATE rugby league...and I thought this is about as close as I will ever come to thinking about the "Roosters"..ha ha, via a quilt.
Good luck with the evil fang.
Meggie that quilt is glorious! When you mentioned rooster fabric at the start of your post I was imagining these huge red and yellow roosters and thought the quilt might look a bit UNUSUAL (!), but it's entirely different from what I imagined, and it looks fabulous. It is colourful but still not too 'pretty'. Handsome and perfect for a bloke. You are a marvel Meggie!
You know how the saying goes...when life gives you scraps make quilts.
beautifully done!
Oh Meggie I've been catching up on all your posts - you have been havng a tough time of things. So sorry to hear all your news,, hope you can continue to look up!!!! Thinking of you and love that quilt, lovely, cheery and optimistic!
Km x
Meggie, I love the quilt (so bright and cheery - Lucky SIL) and I can't believe that you got all of that done in one day. Is your sewing maching smoking yet because it must have had a woman with her hair on fire operating it. Those blocks must have been flying off of the machine.
Glad to hear that you are looking up - you deserve some good luck. Take care of that tooth
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