That used to be Franz Joseph Glacier! I have never seen it in reality. And now, thanks to Leo, I cant see it pictorially either!
And here is the
Isn't he just the picture of innocense hah haha.
Please look away if blood offends you! I know it is not a pretty sight. I think it will be OK. I have sprayed it with some virtual bandage. It has stopped bleeding.
I will pretend I have deliberately soft focussed the pic! So you wont vomit at the sight of! Not a pretty sight.
I thought Leo has 'mortally' wounded me. He has dug a claw into my arm, & peeled off sheets of *^&** "blinkety blink" scads of skin, on my arm. I probably should have gone for a Tetanus shot, but hope springs they say.
I am getting pretty chicken hearted at the sight of blood.
When I first went nursing, I was not bothered by blood.
But, My Gosh, did I feel different once I had given birth to children. I cant explain the change. And if one of said children showed blood... a calamity, of indescribable proportion. Panic. Illness. Stomach cramps. Pain in the centre of your being.
Your whole uterus is cramped with panic. What is happening to the fruit of the womb??
Impossible to describe, unless you are another woman. And you will know the feeling. Uterine. Almost to the bowel. Impossible to describe. A type of disembowellment.
Being a 'MOTHER' is never an easy burden, nor a light load.
But the rewards are indescribable.
Augie March, Mother Greer.
oh my, Meggie, as always there is so much more to your posts...
Yea verily to the uterine bits, I was wincing as you described it. Not bothered by blood here though, my own or others. Hope you heal up soon, blossom!
Your pup looked so innocent. My new puppy looked at me very innocently when I found the corner of my Civil War Diary Quilts book chewed up. If she could talk I think she would have lied! Your owie looks like it hurt! Geez, I need to get around more adults!
Young puppies are bad about tearing up your things, but you don't expect them to tear you too. Sorry for the accident. Hope it heals quickly. I always heard if a dog licks your sore it will get well faster. LOL
Damaging things is one thing. But damaging people {you} is another. I don't like that behaviour at all. Grrrr back at Leo. -more grrrr's-
Bad dog. Threaten to trade him in for a cat if he doesn't behave.
Ouch Meggie! You need a big band-aid. Are you sure Leo ate the coaster? You know, sometimes those very smart, very clever "perfectly behaved" girls misbehave when you're not looking -- Honey could be framing Leo! LOL.
How old is this dear Leo? Naughty. When our Libby was younger she was naughty like that. I was calling her naughty so much that we nicknamed her triple naughty. Now that is a bad dog!
Appreciate your comments on my last blog, and how nice of you to come to call. Please do so again. Happy to have found yours, and I too am a dog-lover, among many things.
Meggie, thank you for your visit to my blog. My goodness, you dog is cute, but...
I read about a dog today who ate $1,000 in cash.
EW..that looks painful!
That puppy is naughtiness cubed.
I don't mind blood, and I have had babies. I havent ever had one of those kind of strange reaction...? I wonder why you do? thats very weird, maybe it was a reaction to "The Joy Of Childbirth" heh heh. In all its visceral glory.
What a great read your blog is - thankyou. It makes me laugh so much.
Even in ..ahem.. *soft* focus, that arm looks painful.
Meggie, the bad news is you will probably never get to see the glacier as it is receding at a great rate of knots, thanks to all Mr Gore's hot air , I think.
That little pompom couldn't do all those evil things! Hurts with claws with dogs are usually accidents, not much fun though.
I really enjoyed your pics of your mother too, and of you on your wedding day, Including the hat. What a sweety!
Ooooh that naughty little dog!! I don't have as much time to read my fave blogs these days so my comments will be sporadic. However do not think I have abandonded you. I do a speed read every so often!! And as for the hat in the wedding pic - I think it's gorgeous - I had one just like it. You look lovely in that photo Meg.
Ms Soup
meggie, your posts are so varied and thought provoking! I'm sorry about your coaster and your arm.
Animals can be a pain in more ways than one! But how we love them.
I love your tribute to your Mother. What a lovely person she was...
I know exactly what you mean, Meggie, about seeing one of your own children hurt. I am the same with my kids - whether they are hurt or sick - I get a physical stomach-ache and feel ill myself.
I hope your Leo-inflicted wound heals speedily...
Of course he was only joking. Such an innocent face how could you even think of punishment....really Meggie.
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