Sunday, December 24

This is SG taken about a fortnight ago at preSchool.
When I came home from my holiday, I noticed he only had one eyebrow. It is not very noticeable, as he has very fair eyebrows.
I asked what had happened, & he proudly told me he had shaved it off!
His mother said he came out of the bathroom, very proud of himself, & announced, "Look everybody! I have had a shave!"
Daddy's razor had been left too handy! SG loves his pre School, & will miss his favourite 'teachers'.
His excitement levels are about bursting, told me yesterday "Only TWO sleeps & it will be Christmas!"

This next little story really made me laugh- it was not SG.

Hurtling along in a crush of busy shoppers, I had been following a mother & her small son. The mother was about at the end of her tether & I could tell the little boy was a real 'challenge child'- by that I mean a boy not used to confined activity, or large crowds.
Fed up with the heat, crowds, & his mother's "Dont touch!" "Walk properly!" "Dont whine!", he was getting well past it all. And she was obviously well 'over it all' as well, limping slightly & loaded with parcels to lug, as well as her small son's lagging , squirming, reluctant hand.
As the crowd surged forward across the pedestrian crossing, he pleaded with his mother "PLEASE can we just go home NOW!"

Upon reaching the other side, the site of large Department Store we came upon a window display, with a huge animated Nativity Scene.
The large well lit stable, the bright colourful clothing, the mysterious 3 Wise Men. Mary & Joseph, seated beside the well lit cradle, containing the small baby. The animals standing in adoration, gazing at the cradle.
Mary & Joseph nodded & moved their hands, the 3 wise men made movements every few seconds, the donkey nodded his head, & moved his feet, the lambs shuffled about, or slept and twitched, & a huge 'twinkling' star lit up the 'sky'.

The mother & son paused to watch the scene, as did several others of us as the tide of shoppers swirled about us.

Suddenly the little boy spoke in a loud voice.
"Is that kid in the bed dead?"
There were gasps & a loud silence. Nothing was said.
So the little boy answered himself.
"He must be, 'cause he's not moving & everyone else is! C'mon Mum, let's just go home!"

Every time I see a Nativity scene I think of that little boy.


Joyce said...

What a great story. I laughed out loud. It puts the whole CHristmas shopping frenzy in perspective.

Blue Moon Girl said...

I love the shaved eyebrow story! Too funny! They are busy at that age! I used to teach preschool and once caught a three year old neatly cutting all of her hair off with a small pair of scissors.

And the Nativity scene story is hilarious!!

I hope you have a lovely Christmas Meggie! :)

My float said...

Heck, what a way to get your mother to take you home in a hurry!!

SG is absolutely gorgeous...even without an eyebrow!

Have a lovely Christmas Meggie. May Santa be very generous (are you listening GOM?!)

LBA said...

My son cut his lip shaving once in the bathroom - at the ripe ol' age of TWO !

Grrr at men and razors left around ( and terrible unsupervising mothers like me .. heh ;/)

Stomper Girl said...

Two very funny stories for my Christmas Eve, thank you Meggie. Your SG is a little cutie. I suspect he may be cheeky too, there's something about his eyes?