Thursday, May 31
Still Playing..
Wednesday, May 30
I Won a Prize!
A lovely meter of gorgeous fabric, tied up with a lovely pattern. Her gorgeous girls chose my tip for quilting, & I was so thrilled to learn I had won. I am going to have fun making this pattern it is lovely.
Tuesday, May 29
Role Reversal
I used to be the one who was a little anal about keeping the kitchen immaculate. (Mind you, I never did have the 'Good Teatowel') Now it is GOM who fusses & flaps about, harrumphing, & muttering, about plates not put in the dishwasher, or lunch preparation items left on the bench.
I kindly remind him of the days when he blithely left all the mess, & never gave it a second thought.
"Oh well, I was WORKING, wasnt I?"
It is like a red rag to a bull! I was WORKING too, as it happened, but apparently that didnt count. GRRRRR!
But now that my arthritis & slight disabilities keep me in some pain, he is very good about vacuuming, so I have to roll with some of his punches, I guess. I have harped on about his obsession with the pantry, but I have decided to concede that point to him...he can have it. As long as I can still find my ingredients to prepare meals. Which I quite often can't- but he can usually tell me where he has put it.
And, to give him his due, he is good about grilling some chops, for us, or steak for himself, & making a nice salad to go with, if I am not feeling up to it, or busy with the sewing.
Another reversal we seem to have reached is the body temperature. He was always warm, had warm hands, warm feet. And he was very kind about letting me put my frozen feet onto his toasty ones. I was a thin smoker in those days, & circulation was compromised I suppose.
Now I am a somewhat chubby nonsmoker, & my hands & feet are mostly quite warm. GOM is still a somewhat chubby man, but now his feet & hands are quite often cold. I will hold his hand, but I draw the line about the feet!
And, I have started a new project! I could just spend all day sewing, & he wont mind. He even suggested some meals so that we can have 2 sittings from the one dish. He never used to like casseroles much, but has discovered he really likes them now, so it does make life a bit easier. Especially if I get on a roll with the sewing.
Mary kindly posted a PDF file for the pattern for a Spider Web quilt. I was impressed with her nice version, (check it out!) so decided to give it a go. Of course the first thing I did was make a mistake! O well, I managed to learn from it, & now it seems to be moving along, without hitches, & promises to be quite a nice quick project, which is what I need, after my 'quilting block'.
As my stash is just made for scrap quilts, it is an ideal pattern, with quick results... providing I dont make more mistakes, haha. I rather wish I had gone for the total scrap look of Mary's quilt, but never mind, at least it has got me moving again!
So now, I am off to sew! Have a great day!
Monday, May 28
Anticipation was the best part! Or a Day at the Races.
And, sadly, it is true, that the anticipation was the very best part of the Show. I never managed to get one photo taken, and barely managed to get any sightings of traders tables, the competition dolls & bears, and worst of all, the quilts were so poorly displayed it broke my heart for the entrants.
It was held at a Racecourse. A large building, with a bar. Which opened. Quite early. I was almost tempted to try a nice cold beer. And I dont really like beer. I saw 2 sad men standing quietly, drinking beers & keeping their distance from the madding throng! How wise.
I only met one person I knew, it was nice to catch up with her. We used to take Doll making classes at the same studio many years ago. She has stopped making the dolls now, too, but she still makes clothes & still has her stall at the shows.
It was a shame the show was so cramped, & the organisers were apologising for the lack of space. The venue has 3 levels, which had all been promised to be made available for the show. Only 2 levels were available in the event, which meant that things were so crowded as to verge on claustraphobic.
Saddest of all was the lack of space afforded the quilts displays. The aisles were so close it was impossible to take photos, or stand back to admire.
With age & time, girths increase it seems, & if two stout ladies met in an aisle one had to almost knock down a quilt (or the other lady) to pass! Which did happen. You could not stand with arms outstretched. It would have pushed quilts out on the hangers. The feet on the stands were almost death traps to unwary feet, I saw 4 near dives as the people tripped over the feet. One of the near dives was me.
I felt sorry -& irked, I am ashamed to say- by mothers who insisted on bringing their children in large fancy prams, upstairs, to clog the space even further. And the poor little old ladies with walker frames... Some of them may have been quilters, but I saw filthy looks aimed their way. Mutterings were to be heard, with impolite suggestions.
At traders tables, the crush was five deep, which meant viewing the goodies on offer was impossible. I would have loved a chance to look at some fat 1/4s but couldnt get near. Some people of increased girth seem to be unaware of their sheer volume of space taking! It is not a nice sensation to be shoved aside by a large breast! Which seemed as hard as steel! And almost at ear level! Or a gigantic bum, the owner of which, seems to be oblivious of it's size.
I suppose we still imagine ourselves to be the size 10 or 12 we once were?
I did note one woman, who came hesitantly round the quilt aisles, & screamed,
"OH my God! That is my quilt. It is the first one I have ever made! I have a Rosette! I got Second! I cant believe it. Oh I feel sick!" All of us around her congratulated her, & she was so excited she was shaking. What a lovely surprise for her.
I am not one to push & shove. I will stand politely aside. I dislike being forcibly shoved, from any angle. I did my best to view the quilts. I managed to speak to a nice quilter about her longarm quilting business. I was shoved & flung around the competition entries of dolls & bears. One circuit round, & I was flung out the other end, on a surging tide of humanity.
I left long before the 'lucky door prize' was announced. I even felt lucky to have avoided a panic attack. I have never had one, but felt as if it might just be the day I would!
It was so nice to get home, put my feet up, & just be calm! Bliss.
Sunday, May 27
Odd little gripes...
I have been doing my best to avoid the Televisual crap we are fed.
The so-called news, which is mostly utter rot. The 'Current affairs' which are just free advertising...or maybe it is not free?? Whatever, they try to pass it off an 'news.'
GOM likes his sport, which sees me vanish from the room. I dont mind if he enjoys watching it, & I can always either read or find something else to occupy myself. Or, I can always fall asleep!
But I was trapped watching a new series on the idiot box. A fresh variation on an old story. Gorgeous looking young things, male & female, dressed to the nines in wonderfully authentic looking period custumes. And swanning about in wonderfully authentic looking medieval sets, complete with animals, & old Oak trees, and ancient dwellings, ancient tools, ancient weapons.
And then they speak. The dialogue was obviously written by some clot who has no real knowledge of how language was spoken back in the period. Phrases such as "You owe me one!" "OK, Let's go!"
While I dont expect them to use the Shakespearian mode of speech, I also dont expect them to use modern, American slang terms. Especially when it is an English story, & English production. Nit picking? Maybe. But they lost my viewer interest. I just found it incongruous, & downright irritating, in spite of all the other visual treats.
You probably know by now, GOM & I like to visit garage sales. I search for fabrics for the stash. And the odd neglected bear, which calls my name. GOM seeks out books, as he reads about 4-5 a week, which can get very expensive.
I find it very interesting to look at the books. I read quite different books to GOM, I like non fiction more than he does. I like to look at the type of books, and compare the people selling them. I am surprised when there are a lot of meditation, spiritual type books, & the vendors, are the rough & ready 'salt of the earth types'. I wonder if the books had been gifts. Or had they had a shift of consciousness, that didnt last? Intriguing always.
Yesterday we went to a sale that had a large table of excellent books, hardbacks, soft covers, large small. All 50cents each. Most of the books were in pristine condition. All were clean & had obviously been well kept, indoors.
I noticed a lot of them were for 'self improvement'. A lot of diet books, how to eat healthy, how to keep fit. How meditate, how to get the most out of life. I sneaked looks at the vendors. They did look quite fit, slim, & healthy. So perhaps they no longer needed the advice dispensed in the books.
There were also lots of novels, & GOM came away with a nice stash to read. We met a fellow Kiwi, who has promised to come & visit us. He really made us laugh, & his lovely Aussie partner seems nice also. He asked me if I was a Hori*. I laughed, & shook my head. He is, & proud to be so. And he speaks a language we can understand. They live close to us, so I hope they call in to visit.
I had to laugh when he asked if I was Hori. I am not really dark in colouring, & dont know that my features would indicate Maori ancestors. But strangely enough I have often been asked the same question. Our Great Grandmother, who was said to be Irish had quite a dark complexion, & we have often wondered if there is a dark blooded connection. It would be interesting to have one of those DNA tests, to determine if we have. My Beloved Brother keeps threatening to have it done. I think perhaps cost might prohibit him actually going ahead. haha.
I am off out to a Doll Bear & Quilt show today. It has been moved to a Racecourse, which promises more space, so it will be very interesting to see if there are more traders than there were last year. I am stocking the wallet, just in case.
*Hori, pronounced haw-ry, is a slang term for Maori. It is a long time since I had heard it used & it made me laugh. The nice young man, who used the term, is a Maori.
Friday, May 25
SG comes out, asks his mother who she is talking to.
DJ "Nanna".
SG, "Can I talk to Nanna?"
DJ "Here you are, then." handing over the phone.
"Hello Nanna"
"Hello Darling, how are you today"
His answer is always the same, "GOOOOD!"
We chat about various things, then he usually asks what Leo is doing.
Yesterday it went like this,
"Can you put Leo on the phone?"
"No, you know Leo cant talk to you"
"Well put him on & let him lick the phone!"
Yuk! I dont think so!!
I went down to visit them later, & was almost licked to death by the Granddog. Who is Leo's full brother, but looks nothing like Leo, & is a very different natured dog. But I do believe he has been invited to "lick the phone, to say hello to Nanna!"
Today is my eldest son's 45th birthday.
I find the thought so enormous, I cant really comprehend he is that old!

This was taken last December when I went to visit him, at his home in New Zealand.
He has grown the beard to hide scars on his chin, from damage he sustained when he was almost beaten to death. I wish I could spend today with him. My heart swells with love when I think of him.
No matter how old our children grow, we always hurt for them, when they get hurt. I think most mothers would rather endure the suffering for their child if they only could.
I know everyone has to walk their own path, & make their own mistakes. But it doesn't stop a mother from grieving about her child.
Happy Birthday M. Go well.
Thursday, May 24
Tidy? or Messy?

Wednesday, May 23
Changing Seasons
This is our little Maple. It is not spectacular when it changes, like some maples, but I love it even so.
You can see the bright shiny leaves of another shrub I planted called Wizard Magic- I think!, or something of that nature. I fear it is going to be much larger than promised, so it will need trimming. It has pink flowers, & is a pretty sight, but it is a little smothered under the maple.
When we lived in Christchurch in New Zealand, we lived opposite the river in the Inner City Hotel. The River was the Avon, of course, & there are beautiful old trees growing on the banks. They have spectacular foliage & look wonderful when they change colour & drop the leaves.
Tbey are also very beautiful in the spring when they grow their beautiful lime green leaves, & then become covered with flowers like huge candles of pink & white. We lived in an upstairs flat, so the line of sight out of our windows was the magical trees.
And in the Autumn when all the leaves fell, it was fun to rush through all the leaves with the children. A safe & happy place to play, & throwing huge bunches of crisp coloured leaves was fun for adults as well as the children.
Because we had no grounds or lawns, at the Hotel, we used to spend quite a lot of time over in the beautiful Botanical Gardens, a truly magic place at all seasons during the year. Wonderful fields of daffodils in spring, & beautiful gardens of roses, & Irises and all manner of other flowers for all seasons.
A small pool was built in the gardens so children could swim or have a splash in the hot summer days. There was a wonderful area for picnics, & it is really a lovely park, so close to the city centre.
The edges of Hagley Park had huge trees of the deciduous type, that all shed their leaves & it was lovely to go running through the deep drifts of leaves, lying like great curdles of gold & brown under the bare branches, in the late Autumn sun.
GOM's parents lived within walking distance of our Hotel, & we would sometimes take the children through the Park on the way, & I think their favourite time was Autumn also, when the leaves were such fun to romp about in.
Once, GOM lost all his keys to the Hotel! We searched for hours to no avail. He knew a man who collected the leaves, as they did from time to time, & he promised to look for them. We never did find them, & all the locks had to be changed on the Hotel doors, although there were no identifying marks to say where the keys belonged.
The falling leaves were the bane of GOM's father's life. He had retired, & he loved to potter about so GOM offered him the job of keeping the Hotel carpark, & yards clean & tidy. He loved doing it, & he came up every morning to have breakfast with the children, so it was a nice chance for them all to really spend time together. He was a very nice man with a great sense of humour.
But he would get out in the yard, & he would grumble at those leaves! And he would cut all the flax really short, & trim all the shrubs to within an inch of their lives! And of course when the riverbank trees shed their leaves, they would inevitably blow across the road, & into the carpark, making him grumble all the more.
And here is a beautiful sunset taken up at Tuncurry Caravan Park, where Mr & Mrs NN have recently been staying for a little break. It is so tranquil looking.

Maybe it is seeing pics like this that have given me this restless feeling, that I would like to take a trip or just have a change of...of ... something!
Tuesday, May 22
The blog is written by Lucy & in particular, a post titled 'Quiberon'.
I have been back to read it twice. I just love her command of words. A gift, talent, call it what you will.
And the photography - both hers, & her husband's, are wonderful.
Is it bad etiquette to recommend another blog? I hope not.
I do it purely out of admiration.
Monday, May 21
Moeraki Boulders.

Sunday, May 20
Tagged Again.
I have recently done this as a pictorial, so for Sue, I will have another go.
* I feel everyone has the right to be 18 at least once.
By that I mean the mindset of 18. You know, when you are teflon coated, you can fly, anything is possible! You are SO right, you know so much, you are so wise.
By the time you turn 19 you realise what a mistake it all was, but it was great while it lasted. Everyone is entitled to that teenage arrogance... just as long as it does not last!
*I believe if it wasnt for the mistakes we make, half the fun in our lives would not be. Some of the wrong turns in the road, lead to the most glorious views! The most laughter, the most sheer joy!
*I believe everyone should have the chance, at least once in life, to love with such a passion & fire, it would blind the gods. To be filled with the sheer wonder & joy of another, to lose sight of self.
I also think such a love can be for a child.
*I wish everyone had a chance to dance. No matter how clumsily or awkwardly. No matter what style. Dancing is such liberation.
*I found out with dismay, that the sea I so loved could also take my life away. I could swim, quite well. I just loved the ocean. I almost drowned under a log we had been playing on. It was a huge log, & it rolled on top of me, pinning me down. A friend saved me. I have never forgotten the fright of that near drowning. Much worse than when the huge breakers dash you down, & grind your face into the sand, & you eventually surface gasping for air, spluttering, filled, it seems, with seawater.
*No one should ever know everything about another. No one ever can. It should be so. My brother once asked our mother something, & she snapped he didnt need, or have the right, to know everything about her. It stays in my mind as true.
*My MIL was considered "the salt of the earth", by some who knew her. That "salt" in my wounds smarted for years.
The liberation I felt when I 'let it all go', was wonderful.
I dont really believe we can 'forgive those who trespass against us'... they have to forgive themselves in the end.
Someone, who nearly killed me, once asked if I forgave them. I told the person forgiveness was not mine to give. They had to forgive themselves. I still believe that to be true.
I dont usually tag anyone else for these Memes. A lot of people dont like doing them, or feel pressured about it.
If anyone wishes to take a tag, feel free. I always love to read other people's random thoughts- or any thoughts at all!
I know I am breaking the 'rules' here but hell, Isnt that what rules are for??
Saturday, May 19
Yesterday we had been invited to a 50th Wedding Anniversary.
It had been fine all week. It is gloriously fine today.
Yesterday it persisted down all day. Heavily.
Isnt that always the way.
There were lots of nice people at the party. Lots of family, & friends & everyone wishing the happy couple every best wish. The happy Bride was showered with gifts- the happy Groom didnt seem to get any? It was also the happy Groom's birthday though, so I am sure he did get something.
They both looked so happy, it was lovely to think they had been married for 50 years, and still adore each other. The Bride suffers ill-health now, & has to stay in a nursing home at nights. But the Groom goes to collect her every day, and takes her to their home. And on good days, when she is feeling well, he takes her out for lunch or for a drive.
There was a beautiful new great grandson, 3 weeks of age. He was handed about, & admired by all who saw him.
"What is his name?" someone asked.
"Noah" was the reply.
"Oh... well, I see he has brought the rain!"
Lots of photos were being taken.
"I dont like these new digital cameras"
"No, I dont either, you never get to see the photos!"
"Oh but 'they are all in the computer', they tell you. But you never get to SEE them"
"I would rather have an old camera, so I can see the photos!"
"Do have some of this trifle, it is delicious. Or how about a sausage roll then? "
"Oh, no thankyou, I had something before I came".
"Well! That was a stupid, wasnt it!"
"Does anyone want a beer?"
"Wine,? there is wine."
"Well there is tea or coffee if anyone is interested"
"Oh the Bride is enjoying herself. I was her Bridesmaid. I am not needed today"
"I remember our honeymoon. We went in a caravan. The biggest disaster ever. Never went near a caravan again. A disaster!"
"I was a very thin bride. The Bride was a very thin Bride. She is thin again now, it has gone full circle."
"How does it feel to be a Grandmother?"
"I dont really know yet. It is too new."
"Doesnt he look like K?"
"He looks like a baby, they all look the same to me."
"Men always say things like that."
"Before you go, are you sure you wont just have some of this Lasange?"
"No, I dont actually like eating lasagne"
(I wonder what he prefers to do with it??)
It was a lovely party.
I wonder if GOM & I will last the distance?
Friday, May 18
A Brother

This is a pic of my brother & I taken when he was about 4 years old, so I would have been about 8 I suppose. Just ignore me, as it is my Beloved Brother I wish to blog about.

Thursday, May 17
Impotence- no not that type.
This is just before I get wound up for my RANT for the day!!
Here is my sweet Honey, just sitting behind me, keeping me safe.
And here is Leo, just waiting to peep into my sewing bag. I made it to take to those disastrous quilting lessons.
It was very grudginly admired.
Another lady asked if I would make some to sell. I felt quite flattered.
I made one for DJ too, in fabrics of her choice.
And now on to the Impotence.
Not a physical impotence.
A mental impotence, which leads to damaging, useless rage, which in turn ends in sadness, & other damaging emotions.
What do you do when faced with that type of emotion?
Do you fight back?
Do you take action to redress things- dont get mad, get even?
Someone I love dearly gets constantly damaged by someone they love. I watch this with impotence, because there is nothing I can do.
But I find I wish I had some physical release from the anger I feel. I want to run out & SMASH something. I dont act upon the urge of course.
And I think that pin-sticking an effigy just might work... so I dont resort to that either. And I feel guilty wishing harm upon the person inflicting the harm. I feel as if those thoughts will come back & slap me in the 'life'.
So, do I act, or in this case, not act, out of goodness, doing the 'right thing', fear, or superstition for the consequences? I am not sure.
What do you do for your 'displacement' activity?
I am not sure what I do. I have so many 'displacement' activities. Perhaps now, blogging has become one.
There are times when people just piss me off so badly I wish I was an author so I could write about them, & get my revenge! Maybe that is why I am not....
When GOM gets seriously out of sorts over something he usually does what we in the family refer to as "Eating worms". He goes & sits quietly in an old clapped out chair in the garage, & sulks- ie eats worms. Or he 'cleans out his drawers'. Always know he is feeling very low, if he does that.
One of my sons worries himself almost ill over the state of the world. He beats himself up about things he has no power to change. He has various displacement tactics. He reads a lot.
Another of my sons, who has suffered serious brain damage, is now so 're-patterned' in his thinking, he seems to think in cliches... patterns which he once would have scorned. I was not present for his rehabilitation processes. I am just glad he is alive, & can still think. He is altered forever, but still retains certain personality traits he always had. His survival techniques led him into dark caves & treacherous reefs. He almost could be said to have not survived.
Perhaps one of my survival ploys is to retreat into the past too often.
Not always to the dark shoals & pools. Sometimes my reveries are filled with the sun & laughter. The bright fields of gold, from my childhood.
The friends who walked beside me. My family, who love warts, black moods, depressions, & holes in my thinking... all keep me afloat.
My mother told me I was a very strange child, given to sudden tantrums for no apparent reason. Perhaps the black dog dogged me from birth....
The sun has burnt away the thick fog from the morning- again. We have been getting heavy, thick fogs for the past 4 days. The heavy humid nights weigh me down. I toss & turn, unable to sleep. Perhaps with the sun shining today, I will lighten up!
Wednesday, May 16
Almost a Quilty Post.
This is a pic of the poor little confused bulb flowering in my garden. It must think it is Spring, but of course it is May here, & Autumn. The lack of clarity is due to the photographer's poor shot. The Camellia is the last on that little shrub.
The beautiful large ones are 'share' blooms from our neighbour's tree, which hangs over into our garden. It has full rich blooms & many of them have white ripples on the petals. Yesterday's pic was one of the neighbour Camellias.
This is almost a quilt post. I am suffering from a serious lack of quilt drive. I have too many projects sitting about dejectedly. No desire to pick them up, either. I am not letting it stress me, just wonder why.
When my Daughter J first introduced me to quilting, she was living with us for a time. I watched her doing her neat little handstitches as she patched her huge Queen size hand pieced quilt. I know I am far too impatient for hand piecing to suit me, but I have actually done a hand pieced one.. well the top of it is done.
We had a wonderful local quilt shop way back then. I used to go with DJ to look at all the luscious fabrics, then the magazines. Australian Patchwork & Quilting was a favourite. Then I decided to get into this & try it for myself. My children gave me a lovely charm pack of pretty fabrics, & I made myself a very basic charm square quilt. I was very happy with that, but of course I then realised I had caught the 'bug.'
I wasnt going to be able to stop at one. My next quilt was one of June Gilchrist's patterns, Home is Where the Heart is. I understand this has always been a very poplular pattern, & I certainly enjoyed making it. DJ & I would haunt the LQS's in search of the perfect piece of fabric. I discovered I love applique, & did a lot of it on my machine, but also grew to love hand applique.
One day, in our travels looking for Quilt shops, we happened upon a shop near the sea. Before I knew what was happening the woman who ran the shop had talked us into taking classes at her shop. She had lots of nice quilts on display. She had a class in progress. Everyone seemed to be head down, & working away.
So off we went next week, on a Wednesday. Chose our quilts to make. I chose one of a garden, with machine applique for a technique, along with lots of other blocks using various techniques, thinking I may as well learn 'properly'. DJ chose a mostly hand pieced country quilt. And we started to sew, & expected to have fun, & laughs & enjoy ourselves.
WRONG!! We were not there to enjoy ourselves, we soon discovered. We were there to do as we were told. We were not encouraged to laugh, talk, or have any fun at all. Misery could be seen etched on some faces, & apart from hastily secret mutters to each other talking was considered rebellion. Or betrayal. Or something... perhaps something 'free'.
One day we went to find another class had run over into our time. The lovely lighthearted tutor began chatting to me, & showing me 'how to'... quickly pounced upon, & removed from my earshot & vision. Perish the thought we might learn something free!! The tutor was left with her mouth open, mid laugh. I quickly put my head down again, & wiped the smile off my face!
As we slunk miserably out of the 3rd class we vowed not to return. But DJ had paid for her fabrics. I had no idea where to go from where I was. So we went back. And suffered again. Once I got shrieked at "WHAT are you doing!!?" I cant remember the 'crime', but we all jumped. What a strange, uptight, woman she was.
DJ being much like me, was given to laughter, & tom foolery, & irreverance, we couldnt understand why things had to be so buttoned down. As we silently lugged our machines out to our car, we sneaked secret looks at some of the other students. And gradually we made the discovery that we all felt the same way. One woman told us she used to walk along the beach to the classes, & lecture herself on her gutlessness. "Today I will stand up to her" she would promise herself. Then, she told us, she would cry all the way home along the beach mentally flogging herself for being gutless! She was doing the hand sewn country quilt the same as DJ. They even dared to secretly swap some patterns.
Of course in the end we just left. We couldnt stand it any longer, & couldnt see the point of having no fun. And just as we had decided to go to classes at another, closer, Quilt Shop, it closed, so we were on our own again. It is a wonder I kept on quilting, but I found I could enjoy myself doing my own thing, & never mind if it is the 'right' way or not. Whatever works for me.
And the shop where we took the lessons, closed too...which was no surprise at all.
Tuesday, May 15
How Lucky Am I!

My head is a "Ball Magnet"! If there is a ball being tossed about, batted, or kicked, it will be sure to head straight for my head. I have been smashed in the face, almost had my nose broken, almost lost teeth - all from balls that were seemingly nowhere near me. I have been heard to involutarily shout "Shit!" as a ball at the beach hit the back of my head. The boys were so stunned they said "Sorry Lady!"

Monday, May 14

My mother was born in 1920 & died in 1997.
She was a small built woman, who worked very hard to support my brother & I, alone.
We had our stormy patches... I could be a nasty girl at times. I was a troubled, rebellious teenager, who I would have hated to be the mother of.
But she was my best friend, & we weathered our storms to become very close.
I still miss her every day of my life, & know this will never change.
She was funny, shy, humourous, sharp, snappy, angry, sad, lonely & loving.
She was our Little Mary.
Saturday, May 12
Little Bo Peep
Friday, May 11
A Query.
Why do water tanks have corrugated sides??
I watched a truck with water tanks for delivery, & remembered all the tanks I have seen - & they are many, being the latest necessary accessory for a house, because of the water crisis we currently have...(mainly due to short sighted planning...oops, I will probably be arrested for that!)
I suppose there must be some website I could go to, where all would be revealed.
But that is not as much fun, is it, as asking friends on the Internet???
Unexpected Treats, & Unexpected Fears.
Man's little blip of a life on the scale of Time seems so insignificant, if viewed in that context.
Yet, how we fret & worry & cry over small things that affect our daily lives. Things we feel are so important, yet seem so paltry if viewed from what I call the "100 year theory."
It all wont matter a damn in a 100 years, & who will care? About small events, small 'slights', small triumphs. Or even large ones?
I think I believe in 'the good you put out, will return to you, somewhere along the course of your life.'
Tragedies that some good people receive, would seem to put the lie to that theory. So I am not sure I am totally convinced.
But I try to live my life with that in mind.
Of course there are often events or happenings that come along to throw you off guard, or catch you unawares.
This is a pic of SIL, with a dog called Rex. When I first met Rex I was in awe of him. A little frightened I suppose. He was such a large dog, & he had mixes of breeds known to be aggressive. Rottwieler, Doberman.
He was a beautiful, gentle, obedient dog. He lived with DJ & SIL for a while & we had him to stay when they went away. He really was a lovely natured dog. And now, when I see pictures of him, I think he was quite handsome really.
He has gone from this planet now. He lived a good long full life. And he taught me that another fear I had initially had was groundless.
Another fear I had is not one I am proud of, & I dont often speak about it, because I feel so ashamed about it. I was shocked to discover the feelings of fear when I realised how I felt.
GOM's niece has Cerebral Palsy. She was only 18 months old when I first met her. She had bright eyes, & seemed a happy little child. She had surgery to try to improve her walking ability, when she was about 3. She never walked again. It seemed so unfair. And she still seemed such a positive little girl, & so cheerful.
But I watched how her condition destroyed her family life. I watched her little brother suffer in the background. I watched her mother turn into a bitter lonely indignant, & angry, woman, who refused help or friendship. I watched her father tease her, taunt her. Watched her Grandmother suffer ill health because she had her every weekend.
And when I became pregnant & my MIL used to insist on visiting me every weekend, uninvited, & bringing her little disabled granddaughter with her, I hated it. I felt so ashamed. It was not the little girl's fault. But I was so filled with fear that I might have a child so afflicted, I didnt want to see her. I hope I never showed this, to the child at least. She always seemed fond of me, & I was fond of her. But she was not my blood kin. And there was the fear.
And we had a little black cat. I loved him so, but after my son was born, I didnt want him near me. What is that nature does to us, that makes us change in our attitude to some things? I know I am not the only one to feel that way. But I hated it. I wanted to still feel the same about the cat, but I couldnt. I know he knew, because he 'moved house'. We would see him about the district, well fed, & well cared for. And I was glad he had a better life, than I felt I would give him.
As it happened my babies were born healthy. And I burned with shame for having felt such awful feelings of rejection, whole I was pregnant. Unexpected, irrational. Reason told me I was being stupid. But I still couldnt conquer how I felt, no matter how irrational it was.
I never felt or feel that way about strangers. I still wonder that I felt that way when I was fond of that little girl.
As to unexpected treats, my children were/are! They were good looking babies, they grew strong & healthy. They were fun kids to have, they loved their afflicted cousin, with the cerabral palsy. They treated her with love, & respect. They have been a joy to me for all their lives.
And other unexpected treats, are good friends. We had an unexpected treat yesterday of a visit from friends. I love the fun that can result from unplanned get-to-gethers. The laughs, & jokes. The serious 'discussions'.
Some of our 'acquaintances', shall we say, dislike 'dropin' callers. I used to be a bit alarmed if the house was a shambles. Now I couldnt care less. They dont call to see the house. Usually they call to spend time with us. So any unexpected callers are welcomed with open arms- & barking dogs!
Thursday, May 10
The blurs at the edge of your vision.
Not so great for the woolly babies.
Leo came rushing in, looking like a wet sheepskin rug, & smelling very much the same. I dont know how he got caught in the rain, as he normally doesnt like it much. Honey on the other hand, couldnt care less about it, but she seemed to only get a little damp.
There are past bloggers, who no longer blog, that I miss. I caught a glimpse of one, rushing past, with commiserations, on another blog. I know, in part, why she went. I hope she is happy. I hope all is well with her.
Another blur at the corners of my mind, or vision, I am not sure which, is a fleeting glimpse of a shadow. But usually the strongest of the sensations, produced by the blur, is the smell.
I am frequently 'visited' by a smoker. I smell the smoke so strongly, I often get up to check if there is anyone there. Of course, there never is. When I used to go to stay with my mother, she would smell the smoker also. We had no idea who, what, or how. My mother had long ago given up smoking, & so had I, so it was really noticeable. But not explicable. (is there such a word?) Goodness I am getting lazy & ignorant!
I am also frequently visited by a perfume. Not one I am familiar with, just a very sweet one, & I feel it must be a 'woman', though of course, there is no one there, & I see nothing. Sometimes the perfume is roses. I guess if I have to be visited by smells, pleasant ones are preferable! I used to believe in ghosts. Now I am not so sure I do. But the smells remain to visit, so where do they come from??
Once after our Employer had died, GOM & I both woke to see him sitting in the corner of our bedroom, in an armchair we kept there. We sat up in bed & stared at him, then each other. We could not believe our eyes. Then the image faded, & he was gone. It was a very odd feeling, & I think we were both glad we had had a witness to share the apparition. I am sure someone who dismisses such things could have a rational explanation for what happened. But it sure seemed real at the time.
Another 'blur' at the edges of my vision, was performing or 'committing an Intersection Choke'
This occurred in the days when I was a busy shop proprietor. I used to have to drive to work, in the peak hour traffic, to the city where the shop was located.
This particular morning there was clotted traffic as usual. Buses always delayed things in the crush of it all. I got almost over an intersection, when suddenly all movement stopped, & a great bus, broken down, blocked one of the lanes. There was bumper to bumper traffice ahead, & behind me. But my 'arse end' of the car was still hanging out, over the white line, by about a 1/4 length of the car.
I had my daughter with me, she used to come to work for me in the school holidays.
As we were sitting in the car, waiting for the traffic to move, I became aware of a horn blaring at me. I said to DJ 'What type of idiot, who can see we are stuck, would sit there honking the horn?'
I didnt have long to find out "What type of Idiot" A thumping rapping on the car window, & there was a huge cop standing in full Fancy Dress! (oops, Uniform) Gun, Batton, Dark Glasses, Hat. Glaring at me, & snarling at me, with a sneering curl to his lip.
"I have just observed you to perform an Intersection Choke"!!
"Show me your license!"
As I stuttered & stammered the sod wrote me out a ticket telling me how & where I could pay the hefty fine. I dont know what else, or where else I could have gone. I felt it the most unfair infringement ticket I ever got. I felt so intimidated by this hulking monster of a policeman, with gun & all, I just sat there like a gibbering idiot.
We had not been living in Australia very long. In New Zealand the police dont carry guns. I felt so mortified. I wanted to sink into the seat, & never emerge. My daughter was crying. I suppose at least I didnt cry.
Now I think I would argue for reason. I would write a letter explaining the details of the terrible crime of "Intersection Choke!" I have been held up many times since by people 'performing intersection choke'.
There is never a policeman about then, though!
I am the only person I have ever heard of, who has been 'done' for Intersection Choke'!
I once ran a red light, in a panic, in early morning mist, when they were closing the road for road works. I wrote a letter, explaining the circumstances, & got off. GOM got 'done' by a red light camera, for doing the wrong speed, at the wrong time FIVE MINUTES outside the time limit. I wrote a letter for him, & he got off.
On the whole I am a law abiding citizen. I respect the police- mostly. I have never been in trouble with the law. I obey, to the best of my ability, the road rules. I dont speed. I am courteous.
I couldnt believe a policeman would bother about a little thing like that. Why werent they out chasing robbers, or thieves, instead of monstering little old-ish ladies?? I made a policeman friend of ours in NZ laugh when I told him the story. And I laugh about it now.
But I couldnt laugh that day.
And I am not really in laughing mode today either. I still feel like C**P!
Wednesday, May 9
How Much Does Happiness Cost??
This Batman cost 50c & brought unbound delight & happiness to SG.
Tuesday, May 8
Do The Eyes Have It?
Do eyes show the batterings & beatings that life sometimes dishes out?

Are the eyes of the young so innocent & trusting? Time has not stamped the disappointmets, or hurts, into their eyes. Life's 'tumble dryer' has not yet worked on the young life reflected in those eyes.
I wanted to have a wider variety of eyes to put here, but people get a bit cagey if you try to photograph them up close in the street- a stranger!